Global Transitional Care (GTC) is a group provider that specializes in comprehensive transitional care. GTC  provides a high level of clinical oversight and manages all aspects of care transitions from inpatient stay to home for 30 days from date of discharge, with the overarching goal of avoiding complications and readmission to the hospital. Transitional Care is recognized as a higher level of clinical care than home health.

GTC is a Medicare provider, and also has the ability to provide transitional care to non-Medicare patients. GTC partners with National Transitions of Care Coalition (NTOCC) — an organization dedicated to improving patient transitions throughout the healthcare system.

Why Does Transitional Care Make Sense?

  • One in two U.S. citizens suffer from a chronic disease and this number is only increasing
  • Medicare Trust Fund level ($) is going down
  • Shift in focus from Acute Care to Population Health Management
  • Out of 5 million US hospital readmissions, approx. 76% are preventable, this equals a savings of $26 billion
  • People recover better and faster at home*

Learn more about transitional care through our resources page.